Thursday, May 7, 2009


Coincidence? I think not! Just sitting here in Romans 5 contemplating God's redemptive ways and then I get hit with this:

Why is it that people hate Hitler for what He did, yet we hate the children in our own wombs?
Simple answer... Secular humanism.

The same science that was used by Adolf Hitler and his Nazi resigem<Eugenics> , is the same science that extremist feminist Margaret Sanger's planned parenthood has used and still uses to kill off 1/3 of our generation. That's 50,000000 babies in America dead since January 22, 1973. That's 4,500 babies a day, 3 babies are murdered in this country EVERY 2 seconds. If this was happening to adults, there would be a moral outcry. Yet we sit back & sip our lattes, because we don't have any sort of grid for this.
You are never supposed to talk about politics or religion or any other subject that cause offense outside the comfort of your own home. i.e. the workforce otherwise you could get in trouble or at best, fired! YES, at best, Jesus said, "Blessed are those who stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Let me tell you something, being a coward is the first thing that will get you into Hell.{Rev. 21:8} Harsh word I know but I didn't say it, Jesus did. Why do you think He was sent to the cross? Because He was a cool guy? Still wanna show Him off as your homeboy?? He has a sword coming out of His mouth & fire in His eyes, Hes ready to make war. {Revelation 1:16, 19:15, 1:14, 19:12}
Jesus is the only One to be feared.{Proverbs 9:10}

This entry may very well have ruffled some of your feathers, but I challenge you. Prove me not wrong, but this message. Research the history on abortion, and it will change your life.

Save the babies in the womb!
{From My iPhone}

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