Monday, March 30, 2009

War over a Woman's soul

There is a war raging. Raging not only on our own souls, but a war that is after our families and the true order of God for mankind. The face that the enemy is using in the battle is so crafty, that it's crept into most aspects of our life. Some of you may have not even heard this term before, but it is the most dangerous tool because it is the most subtle. This tool is called humanism- the desire & for self recognition and pleasure to be gained in any capacity necessary. Not only have we seen this inside the church, but everywhere, woman have recognized the lack & lost calling that God places on each of them. The freedom riots and peaceful marches of the 1960s were supposed to liberate us but instead has left us in every sense of the word lacking. But there is hope! No longer must we listen to the lie that we are less than a person , but that the message of God is clear to His Bride, a message of hope, obedience, prayer & death to self. This is God's heart felt approach for us to turn back to godly womanhood.

The early rise of the feminist movement in the late 1960s, had it's roots almost 50 years earlier in the Tea-Party meetings and suffrage marches for woman's rights. With women in all cultures across the world deemed as sub-human, scripture tells us a very different account.
Genesis 1:27 recounts God making both men & women equal in His image. Satan knew that in order to get man to be separated from God, he could use the woman to his own advantage. Not only by causing the woman to believe a lie, that she could be like God & obtain all knowledge,(Genesis 3:5) but in doing so, this would cause God's order for family to be distorted. In result of the fall of man, God spoke a curse directed to the woman saying, "And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you."(Genesis 3:16) Stating that you will want to lead in whatever you do, but man will be over you. Ever since that day in the garden, there has been a battle between the sexes.
So what is the problem with this? One word, submission. Submission to some, would send ill shivers down the spines of those who aren't well acquainted with the word. Yet, to submit actually means to give over or yield to the power or authority of another. So you see to submit means to allow yourself to go low so that another can be lifted high, and in this there is only room for love and grace to abound, not selfishness or bitterness. In many societies, the misunderstanding of submission is that only women are subject to this rule. When in reality, the bible clearly states that women are not the only ones who are called to submit! Ephesians 5:25 says, Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church and submitted Himself for her even unto death. And again in Matthew 26:42 where Christ Himself submitted His will to the Father. Submission means to allow God to intervene. When we stay the course of God's good and righteous order(1 Corinthians 14:40), we allow God to do what He needs to do in any situation whether it be avenging the injustice(Romans 12:19), or praying for a loved one to be saved.
So with all this said, I hope we see submission in a new & positive light, because submission is such a powerful principle that operates on faith and without faith it is impossible to please God.(Hebrews 11:6) P. Bunny Wilson- Biblical Womanhood in the Home>
When we walk under this liberating biblical principle, we are obeying God's commands, & God desires obedience over sacrifice,(1 Samuel 15:22) and we can not do obedience without faith.(Romans 1:5) So no matter how many dishes you wash, dinners you cook or gardens you plow, if there is bitterness harbored inside(Matthew 5:23-24), it is all done in vain,(Psalm 127:1) & we are in sin.
But where sin is, there grace abounds even more!(Romans 5:20) You may ask yourself well how in the world am I supposed to just change my way of thinking, change without an up front solution? Well the amazing news is that we can not only have the mind of Christ, but God is constantly calling us away with Him.(1 Corinthians 2:16, Hosea 2:14-15, Hebrew 13:20-22) I'm not saying this will be easy, but if it's worth fighting for than it's worth dying for! The way to the heart of God is to go to the cross. At the cross there is submission of ones will in place of God's in our life. At the cross Jesus spoke of Paradise.(Luke 23:43) Now normally when someone thinks of death, they do not think of Heaven. They think of all that will be lost, their families, possessions, positions & whatever else they had in this life. But for Jesus to say there is faith, hope & love in the cross of Christ, wow. So for Christ to say it is better to lose your life to His, so that you might gain His cross, what better way is there?(Matthew 16:25-27, Mark 10:21)

So ladies, is there hope?? Yes, Jesus is our only hope in this life.(Hebrews 6:19) There is no greater reward in this life than to love the Lord with everything! In everything you do, do it for the glory of God!(1 Corinthians 10:21)

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